Tongva Bas-Relief, City Hall

Arts & Culture
- J.E. 2/16/2024
Study Shows Economic Benefits of Non-profit Art and Cultural Events
A study released this past October caught my eye. It's entitled "Arts & Economic Prosperity", and it was done by the organization Americans for the Arts.
When a community, including local government, embraces and funds arts and culture, the social, cultural, and quality of life benefits are undeniable. It turns out there are also substantial economic benefits.
Read the report (and, if you dare, the 1,300 page backing documentation) here. aep6.americansforthearts.org
Proposed Arts & Culture Commission
The Arts & Culture Commission is a potential new commission that deserves some thought. I presented conceptual information to my fellow City Councilmembers, City Staff, and the public at the City Council meeting of October 10, 2023. An Arts & Culture Commission would advise the City Council on matters related to art, culture, and creative activities of all types.
San Dimas currently has the Planning Commission, which is required by law, and four other commissions: Equestrian, Parks and Recreation, Public Safety, and Senior Citizens. Each commission has five members appointed by the City Council. A new commission that is focused on arts and culture would have a lot to do and would be beneficial to the community, as outlined in the slide presentation below.
- J.E. 10/11/2023
View a recording of the discussion that we had at the City Council meeting of October 10, 2023. It starts at 34:30 on the recording and lasts 24 minutes.